GTA Online has several locations that players can explore. Every mission will take you to a different location so that you can explore that place where you have never been before. GTA Online Treasure Hunt is one of the best parts of the game that will allow you to grab the rewards and explore the game. Exploring the game is not a waste of time but it will help you in developing the skills of the players. With the help of today’s guide, the GTA Online players will be able to solve the clue for a treasure hunt and also will obtain the reward of a Double-action revolver. Read below to know the top 10 locations for a treasure hunt in GTA Online. 

If you are going to play for the treasure hunt then you will need to be a part of the Online version of the GTA Game. After being part of the GTA Online then you will get the email. Through the email, you will be notified of the 20 locations of the GTA Online game. In those 20 locations, the players will need to find out the one who has the clue to reach the treasure chest.  

Top 10 Treasure Hunt Locations in GTA Online

 GTA Online Treasure Hunt

If you are not able to find out the one then you can explore 3 more because there will be high chances of getting the clues in all three locations of those 20. After getting the clue, you will be able to make your way for reaching to the treasure chest. In this blog, am going to show you the top 10 locations where you can easily find the clues. Before starting the mission for the treasure hunt in GTA Online, you should remember that leaving the game even in between the mission will take you to the beginning which means you will need to start the mission from the beginning. Check out the top 10 locations for the treasure hunt where you can get the clues easily. 

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Top Treasure Hunt Locations

1- Mount Josiah/Cassidy Creek 

Cassidy Creek is a spot that you will get at Mount Josiah. If you want to get the clue then you will need to explore Cassidy Creek. Additionally, you should concentrate on the top of the mountains because there will be a high chance to get the clue.  

2- Vinewood Hills 

At the Vinewood Hills, don’t explore more because it can waste your more time. According to the pro players, the clue can be found over the top of the hills. Try to go to the top of the hills first. If you will unable to find the clue over there then you can explore more.  

3- Pacific Bluffs Graveyard 

This location is present in front of the Hill Valley Church where you will need to focus on the notes that are pinned over the large tombstone.  

4- Del Perro Pier 

This location is situated near the seashore. You just need to go inside the pier and then collect the notes that are pinned over there to reach the right clue.  

5- Tongva Hills Vineyards 

This location can be a little tricky for beginners. In this location, you will need to go under the bridge where the pinned notes can be found beside the flowing river.  

6- San Chianski Mountain Range 

In this location, you will get to see a boat in front of the small house. At the side of that boat, a huge rock can be found. Over that huge rock, you will get the pinned note of the clue.  

7- Great Chaparral Church 

In this location, the players will get the gravestones. Over the gravestones, the pinned notes of the clues can be found easily.  

8- Cassidy Creek 

There’s no need to search for the hills in Cassidy Creek this time which means you will need to search somewhere else. Gamers can search for the clue in the tree trunk near the bridge. 

9- Sandy Shores/Alamo Sea 

The map depicts Sandy Shores, a peninsula on the coast of the Alamo Sea in GTA Online. The hint is hidden on a rock on the right side of a boat. 

10- San Chianski Mountain Range 

To get the clue fast, try to explore the top of the mountain where you will get a high chance for obtain the clue. If somehow you are unable to find the clue over there then try to search the pinned notes over the wooden cross.  

These top 10 offered locations in GTA Online are ideal for treasure hunt players who wish to collect clues much faster. To earn your prize, read about the given areas and go exploring.

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