With PUBG Mobile World Association Season Zero coming to a near, the Spring Part has formally finished. The following part, i.e., the Drop Part, will begin before long. The competition will take after the same arrangement as that of the Spring Part. The street to the following PUBG Mobile World Alliance will go through the pined for New Point System of PMCO, and PMPL. In the most recent improvement, the engineers of PUBG Mobile have reported a change to the point framework. The changes will be pertinent from the up-and-coming PMPL Season 2.  

Point System of PMCO

The match-winning group will presently be granted with 15 focuses, rather than 20 focuses like within the more seasoned framework. The runners-up will presently be granted 12 focuses rather than 14, a diminishment of 2 focuses. There are no changes within the focus granted for the 3rd and 4th positioned team. The 8th-12th groups will get 1 point, while the groups positioned from 13-16 will get no arrangement focuses. There are no changes within the slaughter focuses; one murder rises to 1 point.  

PUBG Mobile Portal World Association (PMWL)  

The modern point framework has changed the elements, and it’ll be worth observing how the groups respond to it. They will need to change their playstyle and adjust to the modern framework, which favors assaulting gameplay. PUBG Portable World Association (PMWL) East broke the record for most elevated concurrent watchers with more than 1 million watchers observing Coordinate 21 and 1.15 million observing the final coordinate.  

Time Table for PMCO and PMPL  

The plan for the New Point System of PMCO Drop Part and PMPL Season 2 has to be reported. PMCO India is planned to require put from 12th to 30th Admirable, whereas New System of PMCO South Asia will too be held from 12th to 30th August. PMPL South Asia is planned to require put in mid to late September. Pakistan has presently been included within the South Asian locale of PMPL.  

PUBG Mobile battle royale game moreover prodded ‘the greatest occasion of 2020’, more points of interest of which can be uncovered on 24th August.  

Agreeing to the table, the group that secures the Chicken supper will get 15 focuses. Group wrapping up a moment and third will get 12 and 10 focus, separately. Additionally, groups securing fourth, fifth, 6th, and seventh positions will be remunerated with 8, 6, and 4 focuses, individually. In the same way, groups securing positions 8 to 12 will get 1 focus each. Be that as it may, groups who get disposed of at positions 13, 14, 15, or 16 would get situation points.  

Amid the starting of PUBG Portable Esports Travel, 20 groups played one competitive coordinate, but as the days have advanced, as it where 16 groups compete in one single coordinate in an official PUBG Portable tournament. Therefore, it had been truly fundamental to adjust the focuses table to preserve decency within the games. As within the prior days, groups that would lose three of their players within the early stages, got way as well numerous focuses when the remaining player covered up himself in a shack or bushes that don’t decide his aptitudes.   

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